Day One – Kia Ora from New Zealand

Day One – Kia Ora from New Zealand

And just like that, I’m in New Zealand!  Well I guess not just like that, lol… a six hour flight from Newark to LAX and then a thirteen hour flight from LAX to Auckland.  But honestly, the flight wasn’t that bad!  I managed enough shut eye that I woke up rested and ready to go with only two hours left until touchdown in Auckland.  My emotions are on overload… Part of me (the slightly shy, play it safe part) is asking myself why I decided to do this and the other (more fun, badass) part is excited and proud of myself for pulling the trigger on my first solo adventure… a travel experience I’ve wanted to try for awhile, but never had the courage to do.  Either way, I guess it’s too late to change my mind now… This is happening!!

After landing in Auckland, I flew directly to Wellington and my trip is officially underway!  I checked into the hostel (yes, I’m over 30 and staying in a hostel.  I have a private room though… def too old for the bunk bed/share with strangers setup) and started feeling a little panicked.  Even though I am over prepared, having researched every place I’m visiting to the Nth degree, I was asking myself what should I do now that I’m here?  The realization that I’m on this vacation alone hit me hard.  But I didn’t fly half way around the world to sit in my room, so I grabbed my maps and headed out to explore.

Wellington is awesome.  A gorgeous city built on the harbor with a stunning backdrop of green peaks… At least green now that winter is long gone.  It was just warm enough for the brave ones to layout on the beach and for me to imagine what the scene must be like in the heat of the summer.  I rode the cable car up to Kelburn Lookout to experience one of Wellington’s best views and wondered back down to the city through the Botanic Gardens.  On the hike down, I stumbled upon a gathering with a live band performing Christmas songs “Kiwi” style.  I think it might have been a company holiday picnic, but either way, I crashed it, lol.  I can’t turn down these types of experiences, which really submerge you in the culture and give you a better understanding of how the locals live.  After a few songs, I continued my stroll down to and through the city just as the work week was wrapping up.  I must say, the Wellingtonians really know how to kick off the weekend… the sidewalks were covered in outdoor bars with Kiwis bursting at the seems, drinks in hand.  It looked like a blast, but I didn’t have the courage to hit one of the bars solo… maybe that confidence will come by the time day #12 rolls around.

And then all of the sudden the jet lag hit me… I was exhausted, but also starving.  I decided I couldn’t let myself go to bed at 7pm on a Friday, so I man’d up and hit one of Wellington’s staples, “purveyors of the finest in food, drink and culture” – the Matterhorn.  The food was delicious and the bartender gave me a nice sampling of wines from around the best producing regions of New Zealand.  I felt like I was missing out by not spending a night out on the town, but mom, you’ll be thankful I could barely keep my eyes open, so I headed home to catch up on some zzz’s.  Day one is in the books… Excited for everything that’s ahead!

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