Day Twelve – New Zealand’s Final Bow, the Coromandel Peninsula
Well unfortunately it’s arrived… my last day in New Zealand (at least this time around). I had the entire day to explore and just needed to make sure I was back in Auckland in time for my 22:55 flight back to the States.
Today was dedicated to the rest of the Coromandel Peninsula and the tiny beach towns and villages that dot the coast. I started in Cooks Beach and Flaxmill Bay… an area boasting some of New Zealand’s oldest history as this beach first caught Captain Cook’s eye in 1769 and was therefore named. Lonely Bay sits tucked away and is a photographer’s dream with limestone boulders surrounded by white sand.
I had lunch in Whitianga, which is quickly becoming one of the North Island’s most popular summer holiday destinations. The yachts and sailboats docked in the marina were good proof.
After lunch, I made my way north to Whangapoua and made the thirty minute trek to New Chums Beach, which was rated by the UK Observer as one of the world’s top 20 beaches. It required wading through a stream and climbing over a rocky beach to even get to the trail through the woods, but it was definitely worth the trip. The white sand seemed to stretch forever and there were only a handful of people who had also made the trip. It was quiet and peaceful… another must see on the Coromandel Peninsula.
I then made my way over to the west side of the Peninsula, stopping in Coromandel Town before I headed down the coast and back towards Auckland. I seriously can’t get over the scenery here. One moment I think I’m on a Caribbean island and the next minute I feel like I could be in Ireland. The landscape is so diverse and can change in a matter of minutes. Dear God, great job on New Zealand.
I made it to the airport in plenty of time and decided to grab one more authentic New Zealand brew before I got on the plane. From the other side of the terminal I spotted a bar with a big TV airing a replay of an NFL game from this past weekend. Is it bad that I beelined it over there? I haven’t watched ESPN the entire time I’ve been here. In fact, I haven’t watched TV the entire time I’ve been in New Zealand. I feel so disconnected from the sports world… Are the Warriors still undefeated? Which teams are playing in which bowl games? What’s new with the Ravens? (Just kidding… let’s pass on that last one, I don’t want to know).
Even though I’m disappointed this fabulous trip is coming to an end, it’s always nice to come home and sleep in your own bed… that’s so far from now though I don’t want to think about it. Apparently the jet lag coming home is worse. I can’t remember from my trip to Australia in high school… Guess I’m about to get a refresher. Wheels up!
This blog entry was originally posted on www.KmayerAdventures.blogspot.com