360 Degrees of Ilha Grande
Another early morning… Not going to lie, I didn’t sleep last night. I kept thinking there have to be snakes on this island and that they could easily fit through the space underneath our door. It’s not looking good for sleeping outside in the mountains of Peru. (I just told Brittany this now as I’m writing and she laughed saying she knew something was up because I was literally on top of her, crowding her side of the bed when we woke up this morning… oops, lol).
We booked a boat tour circling the island with stops at five different beaches throughout the day. There were ten other passengers and we had the best time getting a 360 degree view of Ilha Grande. I’m pretty sure this island makes all the other islands of the world jealous. When you couldn’t believe it could get any prettier, it did.
We did everything from laying on the beach, swimming and jumping off the boat to climbing the cliff of rocks for better views (don’t worry mom and dad, we didn’t jump!) and playing paddle ball with a few of the locals captaining the various tour boats. No reason to say anymore, I think the pictures say enough….
Later in the evening, once we were back in town, we checked out another highly recommended spot, Cafe do Mar, for another dinner al fresco on the beach. The tables were scattered in the sand under the canopy of a huge tree and our table was nestled in between the tree’s roots.
The ambience here is just unmatchable… We both are in agreement that Ilha Grande has to be one of the coolest places we’ve ever been.
This blog entry was originally posted on www.MayerTwinsTravel.blogspot.com