…And that’s a wrap! Safely back home in New Jersey
So get this… My flight left Auckland at 10:55pm on Tuesday, December 15th and I landed in Newark at 12:07am the next day. So on paper, it appears that the travel time was only an hour and twelve minutes… Haha, if only it was that easy to get home from the other side of the world!!
I was so exhausted from pushing myself to pack in as much as possible during the twelve short days I spent in New Zealand, that I had no trouble sleeping on the flight home. This was one of those trips where you need a vacation from the vacation. What I’d give to have a few more days off from work to lay in the sun on the beach somewhere and just chill. But unfortunately that’s not an option… Reality is about to slap me in the face, hard.
As I’m sure you can tell from reading about my daily adventures, I had the best time in New Zealand!! I loved each day, the activities I had planned and everything I got to see. You know you did a good job planning your itinerary when Kiwi’s tell you that you’re getting to see a perfect sampling of what their country has to offer and that you’re probably seeing more in twelve days than most New Zealanders see in their lifetime.
And… I did it!! I can now check traveling solo off my bucket list. As I expected, it is a life-changing experience and I think everyone should do it at least once. It forces you outside your comfort zone and allows you to connect with the locals and the destination on a different level. It also teaches you a lot about yourself and it’s rewarding to realize how capable you are when you’re on your own outside of your familiar surroundings.
Many people I know who have traveled alone have told me, “once you travel alone, you’ll never want to travel with anyone again.” I’m not sure this is true for me. While I really enjoyed the experience and would definitely travel solo again in the future, I still enjoy traveling with others as well. They are two different experiences and for me, one doesn’t outweigh the other.
This quote from Henry David Thoreau sums it up best… “The man who goes alone can start today; but he who travels with another must wait till that other is ready.” And there are so many other places I want to visit. As I was staring at the map during the plane ride home, it’s overwhelming to even pick out which place will be next on the long list of places (aka everywhere) that are on my list. But now I know I don’t need to wait for someone to go with me… When I’m ready for my next adventure, I can book a ticket and go. It’s a true freedom that traveling solo allows.
Oh, and if you haven’t been yet and come across the opportunity, go to New Zealand!! This stunning country of sparkling lakes, steep alpine peaks, miles of green hills that roll into green valleys and a beautiful coastline of turquoise water and perfect little beach towns is a must see. From wine tasting, to sailing, kayaking or surfing out on the water, to hiking the many famous trails that weave through the vast landscapes… There’s something for everyone in this amazing country! Hopefully my travels have inspired your next trip 🙂
“Travel is more than the seeing of sights; it is a change that goes on, deep and permanent, in the ideas of living.” – Miriam Beard
This blog entry was originally posted on www.KmayerAdventures.blogspot.com